Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What Is A Fartlick!

Now most people who are not distance runners or track and field atheletes would probably look at the title of this post and think what in the Hell! Thats the same exact thing that I think everytime that I find out that my coach, tells us we have to run one. Today was only my second time in my collegiate career where i was faced with the infamous Fartlick. Now im not sure if im spelling the word correctly but if anyone has the correct spelling hit me up. The name and the spelling were the least of my worries this morning. So let me explain to all my readers what im actually talking about. Coach designates an area (today it was the perimeter of our softball field along with a small section of the track perimeter along with an hill that leads to a corner of the field). In most cases she will tell us to start by jogging and then she will have her whistle and as you run when she blows you begin to sprint when the whistle is blown again you return to your regular pace. Today was just a lil different, coach couldnt find the whistle so she set up two areas where we had to sprint. One area being that incline that i mentioned a lil earlier. Hopefully ive been able to paint a rather descent mental image, this workout goes on for 30 minute straight! The whole time im thinking to myself, damn I hurdle what am I doing out here lol, then i begin to weigh my options...maybe if im running and i roll my ankle then...but what if i roll my ankle and it does more than sprains it! Then theres always the option of just falling and staying down...but then ill look like a complete ass, and im too fly for that. So my ego and my testosterone keep me going. My coach and I talk about it all the time tho, and she tells me over and over again how much this endurance work is going to pay off and I saw the results last year, im also taking this time to work on my mechanics. Im not a distance runner so I really dont stand too much of a chance competing with the guys on my team who actually recieve money to run things like the 3200 and the steeplechase so I just try and work on mechanics like lifting, staying high in the hips, fully cycling my legs so on and so forth. But i cannot wait until its time to hit the hurdles. I think ill go out on my own a lil later this week and work on a few things. Until next time....(SUPERMAN DAT H*!)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats been good my fellow bloggers...Me I've just been at home chilling for summer break and working out in the weight room. My foot has been healed and Im back at school now running my A** off literally. My teamates and I moved into our new dorms on Monday to find some ridiculous wall and fixture problems (all kinds of stuff in here are broken). I had a good trip nice time to chill with my mom because i wont see her for a while. This summer Ive been bowling my butt off and now im attempting to find a bowling center here in atlanta relatively close to the school so that I can join a league and work on my game. *I just love to compete*

You're probably not too interested in what ive been doing since ive been here but guess what! Here it is:

Monday: Moved into my room and shopped for food and other things with mom (No Practice)

Tuesday: Woke up and hit up the cafe with the team, then headed down to coaches' office and sat in a boring meeting about NCAA requirements and all that. *Needed info but boring meeting* Came back to the room until 2 when we were scheduled to get our physicals. Waited in the line for not 1, not 2, but 3 long warm hours lol. Finally when all that was done we hit the track. Now im not here for track practice so Im really out of my element. Coach tells us we're gonna have a relatively light practice so we hit up a warm up run around the block that most of us ran pretty hard, thinking that it would be our first days workout...SYKE *remember that light practice she told us about* that wouldve been it but we come back and stretch, complete are drills in tha beautiful ATL summer heat lol. Then we're told to head to the start finish line for a 2 mile assesment. *Definately not a hurdlers workout But I am here for cross country and I love my coach to death because she doesnt have to have me here on scholarship lol. So i get to the line with no lip and just push out the 2 miles. Not too bad but it all comes with the territory.

Wednesday: 6 am workout with assistant coach lewis...10x400 in 1:40 descent workout working on getting our bodies back where they should be. Headed to the cafe for breakfast couldnt eat a thing jus wanted to sip on tha ice cold water lol. Came back to the room and Ive been knocked out cold from like 8-12. Getting ready as I type to head back out for the 2 o'clock practice with coach Paige. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I was online today checking my banking account and what not and for the past few months this 10.00 charge has been being deducted from my money. The first couple incidents i shook it off and figured i had spent it somewhere at school or something but recently the withdrawal has been coming when almost all my funds in my account are gone and its causing an overdraft. SO IM PISSED as in red-blooded African American male would be when i see my money is being depleted by something im not even using and plus im having to pay these shi**Y overdraft fees. So I call wachovia and they send me through to the fraud center or watnot and the guy is like OoOo this fee comes from so and so and when you make a purchase and yada yada yada. Basically you purchase something from an online source (not sure if it has anything to do with ebay or amazon) and if you choose to secure the payment you automatically sign up with these people without knowing for a 30-day trial and if you dont cancel within the 30 days then youre practically paying them for nothing. So he gives me a number and i call and cancel these payments and they refund my 10 bucks but this is definately a lesson for me to check out all tha damn fine-print!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

AT&T USA Outdoor Championships and A lil of whats going on

Still havent seen tha race, Im quite dissapointed. Talked to my coach who was there from the 1st round of qualifying until finals...how lucky. She gave me a few details about what happened and everything and I was practically in awe. Its crazy that Ron and Allen didnt make it to Worlds but its real kool to know that David Oliver and Trammell are in there. Its amazing that I met the USA Champ only a few months ago...WOW! and Now he's going to Worlds maybe ill get a chance to compete with these guys in a few years. If you all havent noticed by now i have some extremely big dreams. Im back home from vacation and back in the weight room and on the track on a daily basis again. The goal for this year and the upcoming Spring track season is to be in the best shape EVER and be more explosive and more controlled. Thats where the weights come in, today ill be knocking out alot of plyos for that explosion and ive started to be more controlled with my lifting and my breathing while i lift so that i get the most out of the workouts. If it all pays off maybe ill be able to be a lil D.O. or Trammell by the time the season comes around lol (body wise). Im looking forward to hittin up a few indoor meets in the fall too if i have a car when i get back to school...so everybody pray for me to stay healthy and for a sucessful sophmore year.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

You Cant Tell Me Nothing

For those of you who havent seen it yet, tha new kanye and hype williams in my opinion is FIYAH! Give this man anotha grammy please!

First verse: I had a dream i could buy my way to heave, awoke and spent it on a necklace.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Sorry to the 3-4 people who stop by!

Been away for a minute I guess lol. Im currently on vacation in Fla. with my cousins just coolin it. Still been on my track grind, even though it is quite hard to diet down here. Lots and lots of fried food and what not. They clown me and say Ive converted to Islam since ive left and gone to school....(no offense to any of my Muslim viewers...if i have any...that'd be a diverse crowd :-)
But otha than that its been subway subway...firehouse subs...and other semi healthy dinners and lunches i guess. Im trying to stay on top of things. My little cousin runs AAU track so I always have somewhere to run when she goes to practice. Just stopping in to holla at my daily readers...Ive left you all hanging for a while. Ill be back on periodically to keep you all updated. LOOKING FOR A JOB SO ANYONE IN THE TALLAHASSE AREA THATS HIRING...HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA AT ME. Until the next time !PEACE!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Back In Tha Blocks

Went up to my old high school where Ive been getting my workouts in and put it down yesterday and today. I have that satisfactory soreness lol, went today and had a relatively light day, or so i thought. The workout just compounded what i did yesterday and all I can say is I feel great in a crazy kinda way. After hitting the weights i asked my old coach if I could get a few block starts in because he and the incoming boys for the football team were getting their forty times. So wat better time to hit up the blocks, I may have thought wrong...my legs were the typical gelatin after a nice lil workout and i could definately tell immediately as i started puttin my spikes on and getting a lil warm up. So its been a while since ive been in the blocks and I had to get reaquainted, i was really uncomfortable so i figure i need to get back out there tommorow and work on going over the 1st hurdle out of blocks. But I think i did 8-9 starts with the younger cats running the 40. Not a whole lot of competition at all unless i got caught in the blocks (coach would call em up to the line "my set position" and as soon as they were there they were gone lol) but even in those cases i was able to suck up the cats next to me. Most times I shut it down before 40...after a few i started tryna get the feel for my form and everything then i got kinda tired (IT SUCKS BEING OUT OF SHAPE) thats when my form started to fail when it should have been my main focus. But it was nice lil work, tommorow hopefully i can get over a couple of hurdles....TILL THEN PEACE

Adidas Classic 2007 - Male 110m Hurdles

Got the vid of sunday's race

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Adidas Track Classic

Got an opportunity to watch the Adidas Track Classic today, and this is probably the first time Ive been able to watch the entire meet, I usually come in sometime after the hurdles or something that I want to watch. But this time around I was able to catch the entire venue and I must say I loved it. Gotta make sure I get a front row seat down to Cali in few years (if ya know what i mean) and for those who dont! Im talking about an opportunity to run.

Im gonna go ahead and start where the meet started for those who didnt get a chance to watch,
100 Meters Men: Great prelims caught Dwight Phillips tearin up the track for a change probably getting in a lil strength work for the long jump, he's pretty quick tho so I may be wrong and he may be trying something new. Mo Greene kinda shocked me with his performance I hope its not another injury couldnt stand to see him plagued with that for another year. Tyson Gay really made his mark today, he's been in the background as a sprinter for so long but I think he's really putting his mark on the sprints. 9.79 was the time....pretty strong statement too bad the wind wasnt legal.

Got a chance to see the beautiful Lisa Barber run too, what a sight those women are so cut and just talented as hell, but back to the action Torri Edwards came out hard, I believe i remember her being out for some drug that they have since then made legal a few years back. She struck out today. Wish I couldve gotten the chance to see Joanna Hayes run today she's also a hell of a hurdler along with one hell of a woman! But instead I got to see Michelle Perry, Virginia Powell and tha one chick from Canada who ususually puts it down, (know her name just dont feel like looking for the correct spelling..Philicia i think but...) Powell has one hell of a start and just powers down the track but Michelle Perry came back and got her with a lil of that good ol experience and form.

Men's 200 was stacked I think it was like only one cat who wasnt from the U.S. in the race Spearmon put it down for tha light-skinned bright-skinned brothas lol. Gotta shout out Lashawn Merritt for puttin it down also, for a 400 meter runner he held his own, gonna be a great year in the 200 from my perspective, especially afta putting in Hussain Bolt from Jamaica. 400 meters was another nice race to watch I think anytime Jeremy Wariner hits tha track on or off television people are gonna flock because everyone is waiting for the record to fall, the great MJ might not be having it WHO KNOWS.

The MAIN EVENT in my eyes lol the great 110 Meter Hurdles. That race had me on the edge of my seat I love it lol. Saw David Oliver and Ron Bramlett out there reppin for the Bloggers lol (I swear reading the blog of elite hurdlers and then seeing them on t.v. makes me feel like I know someone famous lol) But Trammell got out strong and pushed the field, Oliver had a lil trouble with the first hurdle but got things back on track really soon along with David Payne it looked for a minute like it was going to be a repeat of Doha when Payne and Oliver caught Trammell late in the race but Trammell pulled it out and ran another nice time for the season. Crazy thing happen in the beginning of the race with Aries Merritt his BLOCK BROKE!!!!!! WHAT lol my man mustve been coming with that heat out of the blocks. His didnt slide, the just BROKE the whole pedal just snapped off. He was HOT! walked down and talked to the announcer after Trammell had his recap. Talk about something crazy, I wonder if thats ever happened before.

1. Terrence Trammell-13.17

2. David Payne-13.28

3. David Oliver-13.29

4. Ryan Wilson-13.38

5. Ron Bramlett-13.52

6. Antwon Hicks-13.64

7. Aubrey Herring-13.98

Overall this was a great meet in my eyes, definately gotta catch the next televised event "Reebok Grand Prix" 06/02/07 ESPN 2 at 11:00 eastern.

Congrats and Thank You to all the runners who came out and put down some great performances and excellent entertainment for all the Track and Field atheletes and "TRACKHEADS"


Got on my blog today and checked the hit counter and even I was shocked! Either I have a stalker or I actually got a few fans in the past few days. The counter has gone from like 48-74 drastic jump if I may say so myself, I guess somebody thinks what im writing about is a lil interesting because I know i havent looked at it 26 times in the past day lol. Hopefully ive got some new fans and if so WELCOME TO MY BLOG! Hope I keep you around for a while.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Gary Guyton Big Hit - Georgia Tech

Gary lays tha wood to this cat REPPIN FOR BI, who woulda thought that sumone from lil ol hinesville would get a lick like that on ESPN

Puttin In The Work

Hit the track yesterday to start working on getting back to where I was before I hurt my toe. Didnt do too much just knocked out two warm-up laps then started stretching. It was actually the first time ive run on the track since i was out. Felt pretty good, I just have to build my lungs back up, cross country helped me develop alot of endurance this year too bad I gotta go through that again, I think I might hit up a 20-30 minute run in the morning. But back to yesterday, stretched and knocked out my drills broke a sweat lol. Then I set the hurdles up on the reg. marks and 5-stepped working on form and keeping everything tight with my hips up and staying on my toes. Being out for a lil while helped everything sink in that my coach had been telling me about during the season. The workout went like this 5x5 36' hurdles, 3x5 39', and like 4/5 over the 42's. Finished up and knew that I had to do something to see where i was at with my speedwork so i knocked out a 150 for form and control. If I wasnt just getting back on the track I'd be getting away with murder with that workout.

Hit tha weightroom today but my body was just feening for the track but I stayed away to give my legs a lil rest so that i can gradually get back on the track everday.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Liu Xiang Training

Since I didnt log anything for today i figured id post the most essential aspects of athletics PRACTICE BABY! To be the best you have to practice like you want to be the best.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I know that this is my third post of the night but hey! this one is probably the best one in my opinion. I got home and chilled with my homeboi Mike and I look over my shoulder and see the game and ask him what its about. I thought it was like a mortal combat type game and Im really not into those Im more into the Madden and what-not. So he was like you gotta borrow it and see for yourself. Well.............for the past 3-4 nights Ive been up til around 4 in the morning playing this game. OMG its probably the best thing since GTA I love it and i just cant get enough. Its so gruesome and just reminds me of 300 (a great movie if i may say so) you slay everything from wolves to huge cyclopses. Not to mention ITS TWO DISCS I have yet to begin, this so far has been one of the highlights of my summer break. Anyone who's reading this should definately check this game out....5 STARS BABY!

Polo Black

Ive been checking for a new cologne on the net and ebay lately and Im real interested in scooping up the polo black. Told my mom about it and she told me she saw an ad in a magazine and pulled back the lil flap and thought the scent was great. She usually knows what shes talking about when cologne is the topic, so i think im definately going to try and get a good little deal for it. Right now im rockin tha Pleasures for men by Estee Lauder and Perry Ellis 360 red for men. Both have turned heads and got me compliments from females my age and a little older so its always nice to be fresh and have a fresh cologne that has the women wanting to get a lil closer lol. GOTTA STAY FRESH! But if anyone has any suggestion or opinions on the cologne hit me up and let me know.
Checked out my visitor counter on the blog the other day and saw that some people actually stop by to check out the nonsense i write on here lol. So i figured since I've been reading everyone elses blogs and been entertained in the process its about time that i put something out here for the of yo who stop by. Ive been home for about 5 days now from school for the summer. I plan on heading back up to ATL to start training again with a track club there that has a very strong core of hurdlers. HOPEFULLY I get that opportunity because im dying to get back into shape and back to competing, I need it so much, the hurdles are like my drugs and im feening. I just started back running in the grass last week and i could tell i need to start working on my conditioning so that when i make it back to Atlanta i have a lil bit of a base. This week has been mostly me chilling at home and the going to the weight room and the track when it cools off.

Its great to see results from lifting while ive been out. Im beginning to get a lil bigger and i definately feel alot stronger. Visual results for the ladies are by far the best lol. But the self-satisfaction is the best feeling. My mom came and scooped me up last friday from school and we stopped to see the boys state track meet prelims. These kids have alot of talent but it seems that the talent pool has gone done just a lil in alot of the sprints since i graduated last year. The hurdles were a whole different story tho, its a kid from ATL that ran 13.88 i believe. Hopefully he'll be one of the guys i get the chance to train with this summer. He's only about 17 so that means he has a hell of a future ahead of him. Its nice to be home chillin with my two homebois and just being able to relax.

Been reading a journal that D.O. (David Oliver Check the link at the bottom) had done while he was in college it was pretty kool to see what a day in the life of a collegiate hurdler other than myself was like. Ive also been checking between him and bramlett on the coverage from the Doha meet they had the opportunity to hit up last week. Im fascinated with all of it because they are living out my dreams and i get a first hand experience through their blogs ITS GREAT. Hopefully one day ill be able to do the same for someone like myself, it would be awesome, to travel and run the hurdles two things i love dearly in my life. So much for this blog, i will be back later tho because my days are filled with a whole bunch of nothing so it would be nice to work on my writing here lol.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Almost Over

Classes are finally out and finals begin next week, I can surely say that this year has been one to remember, from my first encounter with the rigorous life of a cross country runner to learning so much about myself and my hurdling. Speaking of the hurdling, just this week i started getting back into the whole MODE. I can really tell that the work in the weight room while i was out along with mental strengthening and minor adjustments made in my form before and after i injured my foot are really starting to fall into place. I think it will take a while for it all to set in but I have all the time in the world...I just plan on using the summer to make the official move back on the track lol. Its going to be hard with conditioning all over again but its all worth the ability to just be able to run and improve my times. Now its time to head back home for a while and endulge in the summer fun until i make my way back to atlanta and start putting in the work in late May early June.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New: V-MODA Vibe Headphones

For the past few weeks, Ive been searching for a great set of headphones for my ipod, because as we all know the ones that come along with them are practically the most uncomfortable on the market. So after searching the apple website for the perfect match, I found what i thought would be my best fit. They sell for about 100 bucks on the apple website without shipping charges. BY FAR TOO MUCH MONEY...so I began my search for the best price availible and to my surprise i found something in my price range after searching ebay countless days and my new best friend Amazon.com They sell for about 65 and up on amazon and i took nearly 20 dollars off of the outrageous price that apple was trying to charge. They are more than worth the money though, by far the smallest noise cancelling headphones ive seen on the market and a real FRESH! appearance. They hold a very clear sound that sounds amazing, definately studio quality or better. They are also recieve 2 thumbs up in the comfort department. They come with 6 sets of silicone in ear cushions for great comfort in your on ear size. I just dont see anything beating these out for a while, glad i invested in them. (Anyone looking for a great pair of quality headphones these are great and worth any price you pay.)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sleep Running

Okay so last night I went to bed pretty late but still had a nice little dream, not any of the weird nonsense Ive been dreaming in past nights. It started off like this.....

There were some kids or officials, (kinda blurry) and theyre setting up what look like hurdles. So next thing I know the hurdles are up and I'm in my blocks getting ready for the start. The gun goes off an I get out extremely well and over hurdles 1-3 I realize my trail leg is lagging. I fix the problem automatically by being more agressive and quick with my trail arm. I get to hurlde six or seven and begin to think entirely too much, throwing me totally out of my rhtyhm. All the while the hurdles feel extremely low an since the correction with my trail Ive totally pulled away from the field. I barely recover from the breakdown during the last part of the race and cross the line. Didnt look at the time or anything, It was almost a shock that i fixed the problem so fast and began to pull away from the field and i think it threw me off lol.

Thinking too much has been my cryptonite :-) but It blew me to be dreaming about my race so vividly like that. This summer my goal is to make sure that the dream comes true.

"You must see yourself run the race over and over, time and time again. You must put yourself in critical positions and see how you would react in those positions before the race so when and if they do happen, the feedback is automatic."-Rodney Milburn

New Spikes

So over the pat few weeks while Ive been on the sidelines due to the toe fracture, I have started to think about grabbing a new pair of spikes for when im able to get back on the track. Before the setback with my foot I had the Superfly G5's as seen to the left. In a couple of cases there was alot of comfort issues around my foot but I decided that I could put up with it, but now im thinking about switching to the Nike Zoom Powercat. The shoes have identical spike plates but foot comfort seems to be accomodating in the powercat, and from my past experience with the Nike zoom Maxcat (which only differs in the aspect of the spike plate) to that of the Powercat that I finished up my High School career with Im realling leaning to believe that the Powercat may be the right shoe for me. I think I may be getting a little ahead of myself being that Im still not running or jogging just lifting. Hopefully everything pays off when i get back on the track this summer though. Like Ron says, "It's all about mechanics; all the weight-lifting in the world can't help you if you're not running correctly."

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Just got a new weight workout on tuesday from our sprinting coach and a meal plan/diet on thursday Im looking to start eating a lil bit better to put my body in optimum shape while im out so that it wont be to hard getting back in to the groove of running. Diet mainly consist of chicken, turkey, and fish all broiled, baked, grilled, or steamed, fruits and veggies. Its all sectioned into what you can eat at what time of the day.

The weight program focuses on explosiveness and strength im really not trying to get too much bigger just trying to build my hamstings and arm strength. Alot of reps starting out with lighter weights. Im really liking it because i really want to be stronger and more cotrolled over the hurdles during the summer and next season. Probably going to try and run one or two 100's over the summer season along with the 200 to build on my speed also. I just cant wait to get back on the track. But as much as this time hurts and gives me the itch to run even more it also provides time for me to let all the things ive learned from my coach to just soak in and be absorbed. Ive been focusing alot on control and just gaining flexibility. Hopefully it all pays off and Im able to run some pretty strong competitive times.


Been kinda lazy about typing lately so as you can see this is only my third blog :-( but we traveled out to Emory this weekend not but like 25-30 minutes from here Im out for the season with a fractured toe so last week at Auburn and this week Ive just been a camera man. Its crazy because you can begin to see everyone on the team coming into their own. Not alot of team commrodry here so its kinda odd for me but hopefully next year someone can step up and take charge. But Emory seemed to be a pretty fast track today the hurdles were semis and finals for the first time all season and I wasnt able to run

It helps when they set it up like that because i feel more comfortable in the finals after youve already ran the race once and can get a feel for it. It also gives you the chance for tha added aggression. So.....I watchin this kid from shorter college run a prelim time of 14.65 and another cat run a wreckless 14.8. Both of which at this time if i was healthy and things had began to come together i couldve beatin or been in the thick of. So....finals come and the kid from shorter gets out quite well and around hurlde 6 or 7 clips and just couldnt recover he ended up coming in a close second.

Today helped me realize that on any given day anything could happen and i dont always have to run a clean race to run blistering times just gotta be aggressive and keep pulling. Also helped me to realize the weak aspects of my race that I could easily adjust. THE TRACK IS CALLIN ME and so is a sub-14 time. SUMMER TRACK HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Injuries SUCK!

Injured my foot last week in practice, another addition to the 10 hurldes that i already have to overcome. Went to the Morehouse Relays this weekend hoping that all was well after coach gave me two days of rest to make sure i would be good for saturday and as you can probably guess the foot was still no good. Got to the meet and was planning on long jumping at least but coach told me that it would be too much stress on the foot...so this is the second consecutive meet that ive been unable to jump (something that i really want to do after my bs performance in our opening meet). So she tells me no jumps and to start warming up to be on the 4x200 a feat that took forever. It was pretty hard to jog and do drills without putting alot of pressure on the foot so i looked like a fool limp/jogging for almost an hour and attempting a drill or two when i got tired of that. So we finally head down to the track to run and have to go through heats of highschool girls and boys and the collegiate women.

All the while im on the curve between heats trying to get the foot to adapt to what it was going to have to do and my teamates are looking at me and telling me I should just sit it out. BUT ME BEING THE STUBBORN INDIVIDUAL I AM AND CONSTANTLY WANTING TO PLEASE MY COACH I, CHOSE TO RUN ANYWAY. So our A team is in the heat before us, (not sure if i was taken off because of the foot or what...still confused on that one) but anyway they get on the track and run a decent race giving that it may have been 50 degrees outside. So I proceed to take off the sweats as the b team lead off leg starts and realize that im not going to have much work to do, due to all the ground that the other teams were gaining on us lol. So I get the baton 4th leg and come out of the curve trying to compensate for a 75 meter lead that has been put out by the other teams in our heat and got to the straight rather quickly and pretty much shut it down at 120meters thinking about the foot and realizing that there wasnt too much i could get done. So i cross the line and walk to get my sweats and the foot starts killing me (DAMN). Had to keep my left spike on so that i wouldnt have to deal with it being swollen and not being able to get it back in to run in the hurdles. 45 minutes later it was time for the hurdles so i hoble down to the field to warmup and realize there is no way im going to be able to push off and come down on the foot in the hurdles. So coach and I talk and I go get checked out by the trainer who tells me that it could either be a bone fracture on the top of my foot, or some strained or torn ligaments up there. :-( probably the worst feeling ever, hopefully its the strained ligaments and Im back on the track soon. Trainer monday afternoon!

Introducing to the world!

Well...off top welcome to my blog Ima collegiate track and field athelete at Clark Atlanta University a Historically Black University located it ATL. Im also aspiring to run professionally when all is said and done and if the Lord answers my prayers :-) This season has been a trying time, first off as my first collegiate track and field experience. Alot of new things being learned and form being broken down and built back up.But my main inspiration for the creation of this blog was probably pro hurdler Ron Bramlett and the chance to recieve any useful advice that anyone has to offer on my daily track and field experience. BUT.....I dont want to ramble too long, theres plenty of time for that.
(and to mention im 6'2 Gail had on sum stillettos in tha pic)