Monday, April 23, 2007

Sleep Running

Okay so last night I went to bed pretty late but still had a nice little dream, not any of the weird nonsense Ive been dreaming in past nights. It started off like this.....

There were some kids or officials, (kinda blurry) and theyre setting up what look like hurdles. So next thing I know the hurdles are up and I'm in my blocks getting ready for the start. The gun goes off an I get out extremely well and over hurdles 1-3 I realize my trail leg is lagging. I fix the problem automatically by being more agressive and quick with my trail arm. I get to hurlde six or seven and begin to think entirely too much, throwing me totally out of my rhtyhm. All the while the hurdles feel extremely low an since the correction with my trail Ive totally pulled away from the field. I barely recover from the breakdown during the last part of the race and cross the line. Didnt look at the time or anything, It was almost a shock that i fixed the problem so fast and began to pull away from the field and i think it threw me off lol.

Thinking too much has been my cryptonite :-) but It blew me to be dreaming about my race so vividly like that. This summer my goal is to make sure that the dream comes true.

"You must see yourself run the race over and over, time and time again. You must put yourself in critical positions and see how you would react in those positions before the race so when and if they do happen, the feedback is automatic."-Rodney Milburn

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