Thursday, July 5, 2007


I was online today checking my banking account and what not and for the past few months this 10.00 charge has been being deducted from my money. The first couple incidents i shook it off and figured i had spent it somewhere at school or something but recently the withdrawal has been coming when almost all my funds in my account are gone and its causing an overdraft. SO IM PISSED as in red-blooded African American male would be when i see my money is being depleted by something im not even using and plus im having to pay these shi**Y overdraft fees. So I call wachovia and they send me through to the fraud center or watnot and the guy is like OoOo this fee comes from so and so and when you make a purchase and yada yada yada. Basically you purchase something from an online source (not sure if it has anything to do with ebay or amazon) and if you choose to secure the payment you automatically sign up with these people without knowing for a 30-day trial and if you dont cancel within the 30 days then youre practically paying them for nothing. So he gives me a number and i call and cancel these payments and they refund my 10 bucks but this is definately a lesson for me to check out all tha damn fine-print!